Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day #73

All three of these pictures help to sum up how our day went.

First: Star spent almost all day outside playing with the neighbor kids. It is amazing the drama they go through just in trying to play a game! Lots of "I don't want to play with you anymore" "you aren't my friend anymore", then of course 5 minutes later they are all best friends again. 

Second: Josie "hiding" in her room and when I walk in saying "where's Josie? I don't see her..." she looks up with a huge smile and says "mommy, mommy, mommy you found me!" 

Third: Maeve with her poor, mangy, plucked nearly bald bunny. See the tufts of bunny fuzz on the couch, this has become one of Maeve's favorite pass-times.

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