Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day #208

Josie did NOT want to wake up this morning. She was restless during the night and got up when I did at about 6:15a.m. having a BM. I think we are passing around a teensy weensy stomach bug, nothing much, I will spare you the details. After I changed her I put her on the couch with her pillow and blanket, she promptly fell back asleep. I had to go to class, so Shelley came to watch the girls at 7:30a.m. I was told Josie did not wake up until 10a.m.! She was acting fine, had a drink, worked well for Cyndi and when I got home she was perky. She just needed to sleep in, and some mornings you have to let her or you will have a cranky little one on your hands.


  1. She was such a cute little snuggle bug this morning!
    We tried singing, holding, back rubbing, picking up, and playing music, but she was in golden slumbers! I'm so glad Shelly got the picture of her half off and half on the couch.

    1. I am glad she did too, I like seeing what goes on while I have to be away. Some days she needs more sleep than others especially if she has a rough sleepless night. Thank you for taking such good care of Josie and Maeve, I appreciate everything you ladies do for us!
