Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day #242

I found this when I got back inside from taking Josie out to her bus this morning. I thought Maeve was content and occupied but I guess I was wrong. She got into the kitchen, into the fridge and was having quite a lot of fun with the cheese.

I started thinking this morning about Maeve's IEP yesterday and really processing everything that was said. It dawned on me that she was given another label yesterday: global developmental delays. Now, according to the experts, she is severely autistic with 17p13.3 duplication syndrome, sensory processing disorder, and global developmental delays. All of that aside, she is my little girl, my world and I love her to no end!

Reading Josie's progress sheet, sent home each day from her preschool, I saw something that didn't go over well with me. It seems the speech therapist is making Josie use PECS! WHY?! Why would you make a child that can and does speak regress to non verbalization by using PECS!?!? Josie had no interest in PECS before and went right into manding, it makes no sense to take that step backward with her. Make her speak, insist she use her words, I just don't get it!

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