Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day #103

Beth (ATCAA in-home headstart) took Josie and me to the Soulsbyville Headstart classroom, where we met up with Ginger (ABA Therapist), so we could visit and see what next year holds for Josie. She is so ready for a classroom! She walked in smiling and didn't stop, she made a craft, used homemade coconut scented play dough, stacked blocks, went outside and played with bubbles, water, sand and here she is shooting hoops. She didn't really interact with the other kids but the more she is there and around her typically developing peers the more she will imitate and interact. I can see her blossoming in this environment and I just adore teacher Tiffany who is so inclusive, open, caring and has this gentle vibe about her. Yes, I think mama is finally ready and willing to have her baby girl enter a classroom, especially this one! :D

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