Friday, May 18, 2012

Day #92

This is on the wall of Star's counselors waiting area and it just seemed perfect and poignant for how I have been feeling and viewing life lately. Today was Star's last appointment before she moves to live with Keith and Liza. We also had both Maeve and Josie's IEPs this afternoon, the BIG word came up...transition...yes, classroom is where we are headed next year, which is not only a big step for the girls but it is a HUGE step for mama! So I thought this was perfect...I DREAM big every day because without a dream you have nowhere to start. I LIVE life and appreciate every moment because nothing should ever be taken for granted. I LOVE with all my heart and tell the ones I love everyday that I love them because you never know when it will be your final opportunity. Lastly, I have FAITH not only in the Lord and Lady but the knowledge that everything is falling into place as it should. So I will always DREAM, LIVE, LOVE, and have FAITH, for my girls, for myself, for the rest of my life with all my being! :D

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