Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day #107

 Today has been a really mellow day with nothing particularly eventful happening. Started the day as usual then decided to go for a walk while it was still cool. Upon arrival back home I let the girls play in water for nearly an hour then Maeve fouled the tub of water with teddy grahams so I poured that muddy concoction out. About that time it was getting warm so we turned on the AC and chilled out for a while before Daddy made an unexpected drop-in visit which made the girls so extremely happy. By the time Gerard left it was cooling off so we decided to go for walk number two, that's when these photographs were taken. Maeve was teasing me and wanting me to carry her and when I wouldn't pick her up she giggled and would run around me in the rag doll way she does. Josie was looking for fairies, she would peek into each bush as we passed by. When we got back it was bath time and after shampooing and scrubbing I let the girls play in the sudsy water. Josie startled me when she came streaking butt naked and soapy out of the bathroom screaming "surprise happy birthday" then turned around just as quickly and went back to the tub. I LOVE MY GIRLS!!! :D

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