Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day #111

Another two picture kind of day because some days just call for it. The first incredibly lovely photograph is of the dollhouse bathtub which Maeve decided to create a mixture in, a concoction if you will. She poured some water into it then added some crackers and a teddy graham or two and when I poured it out I found that she added a few PECs to it as well. I was watching her just to see what she was up to and she was so happy, smiling and giggling the whole time. It is a good thing that I am not one of those "eek you're going to make a mess!" kind of moms. The second photograph I call "The Doll Amongst the Toys", Josie was having a quiet moment after session decompressing from all the brain stimulus. She works so hard during therapy that she needs moments to just chill.

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